All levels of bicycling experience are welcome, and electric bike riders are encouraged to join us. We are here to help you brush up on your riding skills if you have not ridden for a while. It only takes a few weeks to wake up those muscles and build some endurance. Just start at a mile a day…then add another, then another. In no time you’ll be surprised at how soon you feel stronger. The best part is feeling good… ALL OVER! Contact your physician and discuss the merits of staying healthy on a bicycle.
The more advanced cyclers leave in the morning from a designated member’s driveway in Discovery Bay. When you feel confident for a longer ride, we have as many as three rides a week. Our favorite morning trek is on Friday, pedaling into Brentwood to enjoy a cup of coffee and a lot of gab at a local coffee shop. We are always on the lookout for new members to join us in this fun activity that has a lot of plusses.
Now get that bicycle down you have hanging on the wall of your garage, dust it off, and put some air in the tires.
We are waiting for you!