These distinguished Branch 161 members were awarded Honorary Life Member status for their distinguished service to SIR and to our Branch. This award (Gold Lapel pin and HLM Name Badge ) is the highest and most prestigious award available within SIR. It is bestowed only to those who, upon careful review and scrutiny by the State Honorees Committee, are found to have:

  • Been a member for a period of 5 years or more.

  • Clearly earned it through exceptional and extraordinary service.

  • Steps forward whenever the need arises

  • Would be recognized by his peers to have earned it.

  • The HLM is not to be treated lightly or awarded merely on the basis of good fellowship.

Branch 161 members who have been granted the HLM award are:

Dennis Pachucki awarded 1/14/2025

Vince Vargas awarded 9/12/2023

Will Myers awarded 9/15/2015

Bob Damico awarded  3/15/2012