Membership requirements
Membership in Sons In Retirement is open to men regardless of age, race, color or religion. New members must be sponsored by an existing member.
New member process
Branch members wishing to sponsor a new member should invite the prospect to a lunch meeting as his guest. The sponsor should provide his guest with our current newsletter and a Membership Application, or instruct him how to retrieve this information from our web site before the meeting, so he can learn more about our branch.
The guest can than decide if he wants to join at his first lunch meeting or wait until after attending the meeting to make his decision. If the guest decides to become a member at his first lunch meeting, he must complete the Membership Application, have his sponsor sign it, and get it to the Membership Chairman at least one week prior to the meeting.
If the guest decides to become a member after attending his first lunch meeting, he must complete the Membership Application and get it to his sponsor who will give it to the Membership Chairman well before the next lunch meeting (the guest and sponsor are required to attend that meeting).
The Branch Executive Committee (BEC) will review all membership applications, and vote on accepting each new member. When approved, the new members will be inducted after the BEC meeting and prior to the start of the lunch meeting.
Branch membership April, 2023: 142.