Held at the Discovery Bay Country Club, usually on the second Tuesday of each month. (There are occasional exceptions, such as our January 2024 lunch, so check our newsletter to confirm the date for a given month).
Concurrently, we hold our monthly General Meeting, usually followed by an informative speaker or alternative entertainment.
January 23 (fourth Tuesday)
February 13
March 12
April 9
May 14 – Note 1
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 10 – Note 2
Note 1: Mother’s Day event with spouses/partners
Note 2: Holiday Luncheon with spouses/partners
Special lunch events
Our May meeting is replaced by a Mothers Day luncheon and our December meeting is replaced by a Holiday luncheon. Both events are open to significant others, and include special entertainment.

Once a year the Sir Eric Jensen Memorial Car Show is held at a Branch luncheon. Members who own collector cars share their treasures with Branch members. Usually held at the September luncheon, but check the newsletter for the date of this event.